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The Official Website of
John Derhak
Author of Tales from the moe.Republic & The Bones of Lazarus

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A Novel
by John Derhak
The Bones of Lazarus follows intersecting lives on the war-torn Caribbean Island of Saint George.
     Amidst rising acts of terror and horrific bombings, surfaces a savage killer, a war correspondent whose stories have become oddly prophetic, a Russian operative with a past, and a mysterious political plot. Is it more than a coincidence?
     At its epicenter, Captain Daniel Loomis, fighting for his sanity and survival, seeks a connection. Yet, he cannot stop the growing fear that a creature of legend has arrived—the immortal Lazarus. Resurrected with a terrifying power—it's claimed he's walked the earth for 2,000 years seeking the hearts and souls of the wicked—leaving his mark—the face of petrified evil—upon his victims.
     As political intrigue and conspiracy unravel around him, Captain Loomis is charged with finding the killer. But first he must come to terms with whether he pursues a man, a myth, or the original Frankenstein monster in this imaginative, darkly funny, supernatural thriller.
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"...readers are swept away by a tale of mystery that acts as much as historical fiction as it does classical fiction ..."
Brother Love Productions
'The story winds it way through mystery and action in a way refreshing to good old fashion storytelling while keeping a firm grip on anchoring the reader in reality ..." Amazon
"An Engaging, Purely Pulp,
Genuine Page-Turner"
Downeast Way Times